Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Oops, they did it again....
That group of kids, that keeps hanging on the one corner in my neighborhood, threw a rock or something at another lady's van. I happened to come upon her looking at the side of her van after I slowed down and told them to disperse or I was calling the cops. I did call the cops and had her report the incident. I feel that if we get enough people to do this, maybe they will increase their patrols during that time of day or even put a cruiser there to dissuade any type of loitering. Yes, loitering is the proper word for what these kids are doing. There is no reason for 15-20 kids to hang out on one corner together. I don't care if they just got off the bus. They need to go home, do their homework, and then maybe get part-time jobs to be more productive! I'm so tired of these kids thinking that they have the right to be disrespectful and malevolent. Some of the things they are doing borders on gang activity. I do know that I am going to the next crime watch meeting and I'm going to ask why they don't have a patrol during that time of day. I'm also going to ask that something be done about these kids. I mean since they all scatter when they see a cruiser, why not send an unmarked car to look around? At least then, there would be an officer/deputy that can confirm what's being reported.
Okay, rant over...will update after the meeting...whenever that is!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Stupid M-Fers....
give me a name and address. I promptly called the police and waited until a deputy got to the scene. I told him about what happened and he put a call in to his supervisor who put a call in to a judge...guess what? No, really, guess. The most that they guy can be charged with is LITTERING! OMFG! Oh, well. If this kid is 17, then he will get a $1087.00 fine. On the bright side, at least now those punks know that they messed with the WRONG woman! I have taught the middle school and younger kids to leave me be, because I don't take any crap from them! I guess it's time for the HS kids to learn! I am just waiting for the call saying when I need to show up for court!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
OMG...When will these people learn?
I just got home from my parent's house. I had to leave rather abruptly, which didn't do anything for the headache I woke with this morning. I was having a conversation with my dad, when my sister walks up to him and starts to hand him $20 and says that he needs to go to the store to get more meat because her husband and his GIRLFRIEND and staying for dinner! I stopped mid-sentence and said I'll see you later. I'm leaving. I then proceeded to walk out the door. I will not be nice to someone just because they happen to be the father of my nephew. I tried to talk to her about him being over there so much and still not spending any QUALITY time with his son. But hey...that's neither here nor there. I have decided that I am done with him. If they want to allow that cheating, low-down, good for nothing asshole into their house...there is NOTHING I can do about it. The only thing I can do is leave whenever he shows up. And that means if I am in the middle of a meal and he shows up, then I guess I won't be finishing my meal, will I. I will not let this piece of white trash into MY house. Okay...rant over...
Monday, September 17, 2007
So what?!?!?!
This was written last summer.
So you are going through a divorce and have a sucky job that doesn't pay peanuts and doesn't give you the hours you need to support your family. So you have to rely on Mom and Dad to support you and your son because the asshole you married can't be bothered to give you a dime to help out. So you are going to court tomorrow and WANT a new outfit to wear, but don't have the $$$, so you are going to put it on Mom's credit card.
I'm sorry that you don't want to hear my advice. I'm sorry that you think that I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry that you are going through all of this crap. But where do you get off spending $100+ on an outfit you will probably only wear once when Mom and Dad had to borrow $$$ from me to pay their light bill? It's not right.
It's not that you don't deserve a new outfit, you do. But when it costs almost as much as MY light bill...that's too much. If it was something that you would be wearing frequently, or had as separates, that would be an entirely different story. You could have waited until I was there to help you, but you got impatient and didn't want to wait. I'm sorry.
I know that this post will piss you off even more than you already are, but had to be said. I can no longer sit idly by and watch you break Mom's bank account. Go get a better job and stop bleeding them dry! You have MARKETABLE SKILLS! Use them! Even if it means going through some agency. Do it! Stop complaining and waiting for someone to do something for you, go out and do it for yourself!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Time for Mommy's medication....
Why does the mouth still hurt, you ask? Well...I have a dry socket! I spent time in the dentist chair again yesterday so that a medicated packing could be put into it. I go back on Monday to get it replaced. This really sucks! I have been taking more medicine for pain in the last two or three days than I did when I first got the tooth pulled!
Oh well...such is my life!
Anyway....Joe is home and I'm getting off of here.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Okay, enough whining....
But, Mommy, it HURTS!
Okay...I know that I'm a baby, but hey.............I'll just let you figure that one out!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I know...I know......
So, now, here it is September already. I took the last term off from school. I so needed that break. I am currently taking sociology and economic geography. Fun, Fun ,Fun. These are both reading intensive classes. LOVE IT!
My birthday is at the end of the month...
Amanda is probably going to be really really mad at me for a comment I made to her blog, but's probably going to be the only way I'm going to get her to listen to me on certain things.
I am no longer babysitting! Yep, you read it here....The only kids I watch are related to me!
We are broker than shit, but I don't care.
I should be reading.....
Okay...enough random BS...time for bed!
Night all!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
OMG, it's Tuesday, already!
So I went for the MNO (Mom's Night Out) and had a blast! Mandi, was supposed to come with us, but had some trouble (which I am NOT going to mention) and wasn't able to make it. So it was just Kathy, Sherry and myself. We had so much fun, we decided that we were going to do this monthly.
Mandi's birthday is on Friday. She's going to be 28. Just a tad closer to the "magic pop your head out of your butt" age of 30. Goodness, but she worries me. She just left her hubby and is already trying to find a "replacement". She so needs to wait, but won't listen to me. I am older and wiser, but hey, I have never been there before and don't know what she's going through. I know about rejection. I know about loneliness. I know about not wanting to be alone, but sometimes it is better to be alone than to be with someone and unhappy. (Yes, Mandi, I know you are reading this.)
I am tired. I have tried putting up with everything, but to no avail. I just want a good comfortable mattress, a dark room and about 24 hours to do as I please without any interruptions. NOT going to happen. Oh, well. Guess I will just pretend. I have to babysit again in the morning, but don't mind. Jody is such a good boy. It's mine that drive me insane. They think that just because I said no, means they can do it anyway. NOT!!! They are going to learn about boundaries. They are going to learn that this mommy means business. I will no longer let them walk all over me, even if I have a migraine!
Okay, I think that's enough BS for one night!
Friday, June 08, 2007
I made it!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
On the verge...
I bet you're asking, "Why?"
You wanna know?
You really wanna know?
That's it. Plain and simple.
Oh, you want goes then.
On Monday morning, after Ariane left for school, I get a knock on the door. It is an officer from the Sheriff's Dept. They ask for Joe. Of course he's not here, he leaves for work at 5:45 in the AM! So they ask me if I can take the papers. Sure, "What's my relationship to Joseph?" "I'm his wife." "Okay, here you go. " "What's your name?" I gave the officer my name and he handed me a packet of papers. Well, guess what folks, my hubby is being sued in civil court for a credit card debt. That's right. This company refused to work with us and harassed and harangued us for a year. Now they are suing Joe because he didn't pay this debt. I don't know what to do about this, but I do know that if I continue to think about it I will get physically ill!
But, wait, folks. That's not all.
Joe got an e-mail from work yesterday. Yes, I know he gets them everyday, but this one yesterday is extremely important. He gets an e-mail stating what his "new" salary is. Guess what, he was hourly until Monday. Now, he has a base salary of $26,000.00 a year. That's right folks. Sounds like a decent number, right? Guess what, it's a pay CUT for us. Not only did they cut him with the base salary, they cut his commission rate as well. It really, really stinks! We made over $40,000.00 last year. With this new pay, we won't even hit $40,000.00. The kicker is that he refuses to let them know that this is a cut. He refuses to try to get them to increase his base, so we don't lose $4000-$5000 dollars this year. He refuses to let them know that I will have to return my car to the finance company because we're losing the entire car payment every month.
There you have it folks. That's been my week and it's only Wednesday. Let's see if I make it to Friday before I completely lose it!
I can already feel the anxiety closing in.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Weekend from H*E*L*L........
Today I attempted to make Red Rice and Sausage. Let's just say the pizza was delicious. Joe make a cake that literally cooked out of the pan. It rose so much that it came over the sides of the bundt pan. Mandi, well she is just herself. I think that now that she's home, she will be able to sleep better. Hunter. Let's just not go there. Ari has 3 more days of school and then it's summer break!!! I almost can't wait! Joey tested for CD (Child Development, which is like 4K). We will find out in August if he made it into the class.
I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep for a few days, or until I wake up without being woke up.
Night all!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Today's confessional....
My scar from my surgery is fading fast. Love that. My father-in-law must love me to pieces, because there was a sale on soft drinks at Publix and he bought me 5 12-packs of Pepsi! The deal was buy 4 for $11.00 and get the 5th free. When he called and told me I was thinking that he bought himself 3 or 4 and got me 1 or 2 (12-packs). Nope, I got the entire 5!!! Yay! Now I just need a place to hide them so the kids don't drink them all in one day! I am trying to convince my hubby to buy a key lock for the linen closet and finding somewhere else to put the towels, so I can hide all the snacks and sodas and drinks in there and lock it up so the kids don't go through it all in 2 days. He might be on board, but I still think he needs a little more convincing.
We planted a container garden. Tomatoes and bell peppers. My golden tomato plant already has 4 or 5 baby tomatoes on it! I also have blossoms on my red and yellow bell plants! I am waiting on the green bells and regular tomatoes to catch in maturity. I am so happy about this! I don't have a brown thumb! Yay! Lots of yays this week!
Love to all!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Udate on surgery...
Okay, so I went in and the first thing the doc says to me is that we needed to talk about his since I'm only 30 and already in there with skin cancer. I'm like whatever dude, since I HATE going outside in the sun since all I do is burn and get hot and yucky feeling all over! They numbed up my face and got the cancer in one layer! That's right folks, they only had to cut on my face one time! YAY! What bothered me the most was the cauterizing they did to stop the bleeding. I'm one of those people that can't even brown hamburger without adding the seasonings to it since the smell makes me ill. Imagine smelling burnt flesh while they work on your face! I nearly lost it (my cookies, that is)! So while they burned, I held my breath! I go in tomorrow to have the stiches out. I know, sounds like fun, right? I hope they numb it then too, since it's still really tender.
Now I go back to the dermatologist on the 19th of June so she can do a whole body check.
PS~(this has nothing to do with me, but read it anyway!)
Keep my sister in your prayers, as she is going through a hard time right now and needs all the help she can get!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mohs Surgery...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I figured it out...
Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Birthday, Mom!
My husband and I are taking her out to dinner at Yokoso's Japanese Steakhouse. I hope she enjoys it!
On a sour note...Joe insisted that we come over here at 6:30 PM when I said we wouldn't be there until 7:15 PM. Now why does he want to be so early?? He has also been highly reactive today. If anything catched him as wrong he starts screaming and cursing! Gotta love them days...(I think he's PMSing!)
I have been getting tension migraines. Guess who's going to get her meds filled? Last week it floored me. Yesterday, it snuck up and gently eased into my I know not a laughing matter. My head still hurts, so I'm going to get off of this machine.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
OMG...I've been spotlighted!!

So a little more about me...
Yes, I am a full-time student. I do everything online. I have not set foot in a classroom since I started over a year ago.
I have two kiddos. No more for me! I will not ever have another child, if I do get preggers again, then I will be one very, very, very, did I mention very rich pregnant lady!
I tutor my friend's son. He's in the first grade and would probably be in first grade again next year if I weren't tutoring him.
I am a whiner. I whine about everything. I think I need a little cheese to go with my whine. Wanna add to it?
Okay, yes our mom can be the D.E.V.I.L, but I love her and think that I need to do for her as much as I can, especially since I live the closest.
There. You all now know all of my deepest darkest secrets!
PS~Thanks for the button, Toni! I love it!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Chinese Freeze Tag
I’ll write 10 (hopefully) interesting facts about me and/or habits of mine.
- I’ll tag 10 people.
- If you’ve been tagged, you do your own list and tag 10 more people. (”No tag backs.”)
So here we go….
1) I do too much for everyone else and not enough for my own family.
2) I LOVE fresh fruit and veggies!
3) I do all of my college courses online, and have done so for the last year and a half.
4) I think my husband hates me!
5) My house is a tee-total disaster area!
6) I spend entirely too much time on here (ie: the computer)!
7) I love video games and am currently saving for a Nintendo DS Lite!
8) Toni is the only person that reads my blog! Well, the only person that's not related to me!
9) I have no self-control when it comes to anything that is tasty and decadent.
10) I am the fattest person I know!
Since I know NO ONE besides Toni and Becky, I guess there's no one that I can tag!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Bed-time musings...
I have NOT been sleeping well. I think this has to do with the dermatologist calling me, as it has only been since Wednesday that I've been having the problem.
I work 12 to 4 tomorrow, so not too
love, me.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
So the phone rang...
Now everyone knows what my parents were doing on January 5, 1976!
check it out!
Birthday Calculator
27 September 1976
Your date of conception was on or about 5 January 1976 which was a Monday.
You were born on a Monday
under the astrological sign Libra.
Your Life path number is 5.
Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 3 & 9.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 8.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 6, 11 & 22.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2443048.5.
The golden number for 1976 is 1.
The epact number for 1976 is -1.
The year 1976 was a leap year.
Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 1/31/1976 and ending 2/17/1977.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Dragon.
Your Native American Zodiac sign is Raven; your plant is Ivy.
You were born in the Egyptian month of Choiach, the fourth month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).
Your date of birth on the Hebrew calendar is 3 Tishri 5737.
Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 4 Tishri 5737.
The Mayan Calendar long count date of your birthday is which is
12 baktun 18 katun 3 tun 4 uinal 4 kin
The Hijra (Islamic Calendar) date of your birth is Monday, 3 Shavval 1396 (1396-10-3).
The date of Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 18 April 1976.
The date of Orthodox Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 25 April 1976.
The date of Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) on your birth year was Wednesday 3 March 1976.
The date of Whitsun (Pentecost Sunday) in the year of your birth was Sunday 6 June 1976.
The date of Whisuntide in the year of your birth was Sunday 13 June 1976.
The date of Rosh Hashanah in the year of your birth was Saturday, 25 September 1976.
The date of Passover in the year of your birth was Thursday, 15 April 1976.
The date of Mardi Gras on your birth year was Tuesday 2 March 1976.
As of 4/26/2007 10:03:30 AM EDT
You are 30 years old.
You are 367 months old.
You are 1,595 weeks old.
You are 11,168 days old.
You are 268,042 hours old.
You are 16,082,523 minutes old.
You are 964,951,410 seconds old.
Celebrities who share your birthday:Avril Lavigne (1984) Stephan Jenkins (1964) Shaun Cassidy (1958) Mike Schmidt (1949) Meat Loaf (1947) Wilford Brimley (1934) Greg Morris (1934) Jayne Meadows (1926) Arthur Penn (1922) William Conrad (1920)
Top songs of 1976
Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 4.37103718199609 years old. (You're still chasing cats!)
There are 154 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 31 candles.
Those 31 candles produce 31 BTUs,
or 7,812 calories of heat (that's only 7.8120 food Calories!) .
You can boil 3.54 US ounces of water with that many candles.
In 1976 there were approximately 3.1 million births in the US.
In 1976 the US population was approximately 203,302,031 people, 57.4 persons per square mile.
In 1976 in the US there were approximately 2,152,662 marriages (10.1%) and 1,036,000 divorces (4.9%)
In 1976 in the US there were approximately 1,921,000 deaths (9.5 per 1000)
In the US a new person is born approximately every 8 seconds.
In the US one person dies approximately every 12 seconds.
In 1976 the population of Australia was approximately 14,110,107.
In 1976 there were approximately 227,810 births in Australia.
In 1976 in Australia there were approximately 109,973 marriages and 63,230 divorces.
In 1976 in Australia there were approximately 112,662 deaths.
Your birthstone is Sapphire
The Mystical properties of Sapphire
Though not meant to replace traditional medical treatment, Sapphire is used for clear thinking.Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Agate, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli
Your birth tree is
Hazelnut Tree, the ExtraordinaryCharming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody and capricious lover, honest and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgement.
There are 243 days till Christmas 2007!
There are 256 days till Orthodox Christmas!
The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waxing crescent.
Click on the picture for more information. |
What Your Name Means | |||||||||||||||||
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What do you get when...
Yep. That's right, folks! My husband washed a load of OUR clothes and didn't take the pen out of his shorts pocket. He washed not one, but two of my good shirts in that load. Needless to say, I now have blue INK all over both of those shirts! It is also all over the drum of my dryer!
Now how am I supposed to get that out of the clothes and the dryer? I have no clue, but my mom told me to use hairspray. Wish me luck, as if it doesn't come out, he's on indefinite punishment!
It makes me so mad when he does something stupid like this!
Friday, April 20, 2007
"Mommy, you broke my heart!"
Lit class...
I guess I will be taking a different Lit class, one that is not as long.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Who wants my kids?
Okay, that was a joke, but hey...some days they can just grate the nerves!
Today, I am tired and just want to wrap up in the blanket and go to sleep...but noooooo, Joey wants to jump on me and pretend he's practicing 'arate. (Karate, for those of you that don't know.) No, he's not taking lessons anywhere, but he thinks he can 'arate whomever he pleases.
I know kids have peculiar vocabularies, but one of MY favorite words of Joey's is erections. Yep, my 4 year old son talks about following erections all the time. (This is how he says DIRECTIONS). Anyway, just thought I'd share one of his fave words!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Can you hear me?
I have a rough topic for my paper, but haven't decided which direction I'm going to take it. I do know that it is going to be a criticism about the violence in Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery." Other than that, I have nothing...wish me luck, as this is due in two days!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
That's what they tell me...
PS~Please keep my baby sister in your prayers as her husband is a really really really bad person...(I wanted to use a bad word, but opted not to!)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
MRI results...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
What is his problem????
I think he and I are both suffering from PMS! It sucks, but I do believe that men have hormonal fluctuations, just like women do. Oh, well! I guess I'm going to go fix him a PB&J.....
Now, I'm starting to get mad...
PS--I still haven't started writing my research paper!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Still nothing...
On a different note...I should be doing research for a 7-8 page critical essay..............
Friday, April 06, 2007
Here's the run-down on yesterday.
I woke Joey up at 4:30 AM and took him to Waffle House to eat, since he couldn't eat past 5:20 AM. He did pretty well for it being so dosh-darned early in the morning. When we got back home, daddy was leaving for work and said goodbye to us. We went back to bed. When we got up again, he had some water and said his head hurt :(. I wanted to give him motrin, but couldn't. He went back to sleep and pretty much slept off and on until we got to the hospital. When they called him back for the anesthesia, he got to play with some bubbles and they gave him another "game" to play. He was told to try to blow the "balloon" up big enough to pop it. He tried, but was Off to nighty-night land. And then there was the wait. I could not sit still. I was very anxious about the whole procedure. But boy came through this like a trooper! God, love him!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Today is the day!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
On a different note, I want to say that people that do things that are petty are not people worth knowing! I feel that if you have a beef (i.e.; problem) with someone, you should confront that person and not let others get involved, especially if it is something of a sensitive nature!
Monday, April 02, 2007
My poor baby!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Way too many commitments...
Anyway...that's just today, let's see what tomorrow will bring.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Just for kicks...
Monday, March 19, 2007
Just another day...not.
I got a call from a collections company and the guy was soooo mean (yes, mean, not rude). First, he called asking for my mom or dad. When I called back, it was actually me this guy was looking for. So he asked me if I knew how to get in touch with "Jen," and I said that it was me. And he then proceeded to get very mean and rude and all that. I hung up on him and he called me back. When I didn't answer the phone when he called me back, he left a message and then hung up and called back, getting the answering machine everytime, about 6 times in less than 2 minutes. After that, I picked it up and asked him for his company's information. He refused. All I could get from him was the spelling of his last name. I hung up and he called back, I answered and he said to me, and I quote, "Get a job, Jenny, and stop mooching off your husband!" That really got to me. I told him that he didn't know me to talk to me that way. I also asked him if he thought I was below him, to which he answered, yes. The conversation ended with him hanging up on me. I didn't call back.
I have since written letters to the company this guy is with, the company that placed the account with them, and the Attorney General's Office. I hope this guy gets the help he needs and gets fired for talking to me the way he did.
Okay, that's off my chest. I am thinking that I need to contact a lawyer to sue him for speaking to me like that. I will never get over this.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
On a different note, I am about 6 weeks behind in my literature class. I know, I'm bad. But I do have everything written out so I can catch up without being hooked up to this machine. (A laptop would make this so much easier...hint hint)
For Joey's birthday, we will most likely be going to Chuck E. Cheese's. I need to go call my neice and wish her a "Happy Birthday!"
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Busy, busy, busy me....
Anyway. I just wanted to say, I'm a busy person!