Saturday, November 17, 2007

OMG...When will these people learn?

This was written last summer.

I just got home from my parent's house. I had to leave rather abruptly, which didn't do anything for the headache I woke with this morning. I was having a conversation with my dad, when my sister walks up to him and starts to hand him $20 and says that he needs to go to the store to get more meat because her husband and his GIRLFRIEND and staying for dinner! I stopped mid-sentence and said I'll see you later. I'm leaving. I then proceeded to walk out the door. I will not be nice to someone just because they happen to be the father of my nephew. I tried to talk to her about him being over there so much and still not spending any QUALITY time with his son. But hey...that's neither here nor there. I have decided that I am done with him. If they want to allow that cheating, low-down, good for nothing asshole into their house...there is NOTHING I can do about it. The only thing I can do is leave whenever he shows up. And that means if I am in the middle of a meal and he shows up, then I guess I won't be finishing my meal, will I. I will not let this piece of white trash into MY house. Okay...rant over...

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