Saturday, December 04, 2010

Christmas Blues

I am not feeling the Spirit this year!!!

That being said, I want to cancel anything having to do with Christmas. I don't want to see any decorations, hear any music, wrap any presents, or go shopping.

I am depressed that we don't have the money to buy the things that our kids want. We hardly have the money to buy the things they need...

I am working my ass off trying to keep us solvent, but that isn't hardly working out. I am full time, but next week I'm only scheduled 28 hours. Not enough to pay the bills. Not enough to make sure we have what we need. Hell, we don't even have the money for rent...had to borrow some money so we didn't bounce a check!

This seems to be the going theme for the last few years...never enough!

To top it all off, the kids are behaving terribly! All they seem to do is fight each other and us! I can't take much more!

Case in point: Today, I had a lousy day at work. Joe and the kids picked me up and before we were even out of the parking lot, the kids were fighting! And they continued fighting all the way home! I was driving and threatened to pull over! All Joe did was sit there...didn't say a word...he just sat there! I AM DONE WITH ALL OF THIS!!!

Why is it that I am always the one that disciplines? Joe just sits there and gets a little upset, gets a little more upset, and then a little more upset, and then BOOM he explodes! Me, I just get on in there to begin with and am just BOOM from the get go!

So I am proposing a Christmas boycott. No not the religious aspects, only the commercial aspects. Sorry Santa, you can't come to my house this year!

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