Friday, May 09, 2008


I am through with my sister and her drama. I am done being her lackey and run to person when she needs help or just wants someone to do it for her. I am finished letting her walk all over me.

Let me explain before you go all family on me...

Last summer, when she was going through a rough time with DSS about my PARENT'S house not being clean and whatnot, I called and got a friend to come over there and we helped her clean the house. I know we weren't the only ones to help, but still, I took the time out to help them get to a place where it was manageable. Then I was watching her son and all the "payment" (if you could even call it that) that I wanted was for her to come over for ONE HOUR a week and help me get my house straight. I NEVER got that "payment".

Let's flash forward...

I was going through a hard time with the management company at MY house a couple of months ago and asked her to come over and HELP me...her excuse was that she needed to wash towels.

I was flabbergasted, to say the least. All I wanted was a few hours on ONE day and she needed to wash towels...

I guess you can all see where I stand on that, can't you.

Now let's get to this week...

She wanted me to babysit for her and I gave her my EXTREMELY generous terms and she agreed to them. The terms were $10 per day while her son is in school. $15 per day during the summer and if I was taking the kids somewhere that I had to pay to get in, she would have to pay for her son. I called my father today and he informed me that another friend was picking up her son today. Okay, no problem. I called this friend only to be bitched at that my sister can't afford $10 per day. Well guess what, neither can I. I can't afford to go pick him up everyday because gas prices are so high! I called my mom to find out what was going on and she told me that she was going to babysit him. I don't know what she thinks she can do, but more power to her. I am through.

If you can't afford $10 per day to pay for a babysitter for your son, then you have no business having your daddy buy you a $14,000.00 car that has payment over $300 per month!!!!!

You should have insisted on a less expensive car!!!

I am through! Do NOT call me when mom can't handle YOUR son!!! Put him in daycare and see what happens!!!!